National Council decides on measures for more animal welfare - trade and consumers are also requi...
Brazilian beef exports registered a growth of 52% in revenue in the first six months of 2022 comp...
U.S. company buys strategic stake in Tanmiah poultry subsidiaries, deal to accelerate growth.
The professionals of the pork sector "can conquer the consumer with a story that reflects our val...
The American 3A certification is a globally recognised sanitary standard, issued by 3-A Sanitary ...
The outlook for the global poultry industry for 2H 2022 is bullish, despite significant cost pres...
TRANSAVIA, the poultry market leader in Romania, invests 35 000 000 Euro in the next 2 years in r...
Pig meat production in the EU totalled two million tonnes in March, a decline of 7% compared to a...
The 2030 Beef Sector Strategy has been developed by a steering group comprising stakeholders from...
The pig population in Germany has continued to fall massively and the number of pig-keeping farms...