"Food prices remain close to their recent highs, reflecting persistent market tightness and pos...
However, the output from the US and EU is expected to contract by at least 2%.
For the first quarter of 2022, the volumes imported reached 152,000 tonnes, up 41% from Q1 2021.
The most significant drop was seen in pork, followed by beef and poultry.
The British government announced the measure will come into force by the end of 2023.
The third edition of CARNEXPO Grill allows players in the meat industry to integrate their busine...
The "Smart Farm" system has been integrated with the company's farming business during the last f...
18.7 kilos of pork are consumed annually by the inhabitants, higher than the figures met in Argen...
More than 262,000 tonnes of meat were imported in the first three months of the year.
Based on the negotiations carried out at SIAL Canada, it is expected that $25 million in exports ...