
Positive results on the performance, livability and environmental sustainability of broiler production


Alltech has released data from a new meta-analysis, that demonstrates the impacts of mycotoxins on broiler productivity and the positive effect of yeast cell wall extract (YCWE, Mycosorb®, Alltech, Inc., KY) supplementation during a mycotoxin challenge on the performance, livability and environmental sustainability of broiler production. The first study of its kind in boiler production, the meta-analysis consists of 25 studies carried out across 11 countries with a total of 10,307 birds.

Posted on Aug 24 ,04:47

Positive results on the performance, livability and environmental sustainability of broiler production

The meta-analysis measured the impact of mycotoxins on the performance and efficiency of birds in regard to body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), European poultry efficiency factor (EPEF) and the impact of mycotoxins on bird mortality, and the effect of feeding Mycosorb on these parameters when provided during a mycotoxin challenge. The carbon footprint of mycotoxins on broiler production with and without Mycosorb inclusion was also estimated.

"Consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated feed by animals can result in reduced farm productivity and profitability due to decreased animal performance and efficiency, increased mortality and greater carbon emissions,” said Dr. Alexandra Weaver, global technical support for the Alltech® Mycotoxin Management team. “However, this meta-analysis confirms that Mycosorb is an effective solution for minimizing mycotoxin effects on broiler performance and health, as well as contributing to lowering the carbon emissions of production."

The significant (p <0.05) impact of mycotoxins on bird performance and efficiency included:

  • Lower total BWG in birds consuming mycotoxins compared to the control (-217.20 grams, average finishing period of 35.5 days)
  • Higher FCR in birds consuming mycotoxins compared to the control (+0.12)
  • Lower total FI in birds consuming mycotoxins compared to the control (-264.44 grams)
  • Reduced EPEF compared to the control (-59.36)
  • Higher mortality in birds consuming mycotoxins compared to the control (+2.07%)

When included during a mycotoxin challenge, Mycosorb significantly (p <0.05):

  • Increased total BWG compared to the mycotoxin diet (+65.48 grams, average finishing period of 35.5 days)
  • Lowered FCR compared to the mycotoxin diet (-0.05)
  • Increased total FI compared to the mycotoxin diet (+99.39 grams)
  • Increased EPEF compared to the mycotoxin diet (+16.81)
  • Lowered mortality rates compared to birds consuming a mycotoxin diet (-1.74%) Mycosorb fed birds had mortality rates that did not differ from the unchallenged control birds.

Comparing environmental metrics with and without Mycosorb inclusion

A simulated lifecycle assessment applied to a 100,000-bird broiler operation highlighted how Mycosorb can ameliorate the increases in carbon footprint caused by mycotoxins. Compared to the mycotoxin diet, the inclusion of Mycosorb during a mycotoxin challenge resulted in:

  • More saleable birds (+1,740)
  • Increase in liveweight produced (+11.1 metric tons)
  • Decreased emissions per bird (-0.12 kg CO2-eq/bird)
  • Decreased emissions per kg liveweight (LW) (-0.10 kg CO2-eq/kg LW)
  • Decreased emissions per kg carcass (-0.14 kg CO2-eq/kg carcass)

Across 100,000 birds, this is a total decrease of 25.41 metric tons CO2-eq, which equates to 30 fewer transatlantic round-trip flights or the annual usage of 17 cars in the UK.

“Testing of grains and feeds continues to highlight the ever-present threat of mycotoxins in animal diets globally, and as this study demonstrates, it is not only impacting animal health and performance but the environmental sustainability of animal production also,” said Nick Adams, global director of the Alltech Mycotoxin Management program. “As the agricultural industry seeks to make advances in reducing its carbon footprint, it is evident that feed additives that improve the productivity of livestock operations are one of the tools that can contribute to achieving these targets.”

This meta-analysis reaffirms that Mycosorb contributes to an increase in total protein output, improvement of profitability and reduction of the carbon footprint of broiler production under mycotoxin challenged conditions.

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