
INTERPORC applauds the regulation of video surveillance in Spanish slaughterhouses

Animal welfare

The Interprofesional INTERPORC has expressed its satisfaction with the approval of the Royal Decree that establishes regulations for the control of the welfare of animals in slaughterhouses through the installation of video surveillance systems, a measure that companies that have the INTERPORC Animal Welfare Spain (IAWS) certification have been applying voluntarily for three years.

Posted on Aug 29 ,08:30

INTERPORC applauds the regulation of video surveillance in Spanish slaughterhouses

Therefore, this law promoted by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs serves to confirm the work that slaughterhouses, industries and farms carry out with transparency to provide an early response to the demands of new consumers.

Alberto Herranz, director of INTERPORC, points out that "the Spanish white-coated pig sector is at the forefront of the world in terms of animal welfare, and our companies are already prepared for this law."

For this reason, it emphasizes that "for us, this Royal Decree is nothing more than a great opportunity to demonstrate to society our commitment to animal welfare, which reaches the point of having started the installation of cameras three years ago, long before give form to this law”.

The 'Certified Welfare Commitment' seal, whose regulations require the installation of cameras, is voluntary. Despite this, since its creation, pig companies have been incorporating it rapidly, to the point that more than 60% of pig production is already certified, which can be verified in a transparent and up-to-date manner on the web: www. .

Daniel de Miguel, International Director of INTERPORC, also states that “Spain is the first country in the European Union with a law like this”. Our leadership in animal welfare is already recognized throughout the world thanks to our production model and IAWS certification, but this news is welcome as it gives us more arguments to endorse a leadership position that has led us to be present in more than 130 countries”.

IAWS Technical Regulations

The European regulation, which is the one applied in the Spanish pig sector, is the strictest in animal welfare. To this we must add that the technical regulation of the voluntary seal 'Certified Welfare Commitment' developed by INTERPORC, imposes even more demanding animal welfare conditions than those of said regulation.

Specifically, its regulation states that certification will only be obtained by “slaughter centers that have a continuous image recording system installed in the areas where live animals are found (unloading area, stables, pre-stunned, post-stunned and slaughter). )”.

The images must be stored for at least one month and be available to the official veterinary services. In this way, everything related to animal welfare can be monitored, guaranteeing good practices in this matter at all stages.

Regarding the control of these demands, it corresponds to 14 independent certification entities accredited by ENAC, which are in charge of carrying out audits that verify compliance with the specifications of the IAWS Technical Regulations.

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