Cheap poultry imported from Eastern Europe have entered the market and threatens the animal welfa...
The case was reported at a duck farm in Yoglav, a small town in central Bulgaria.
8 new projects with a total production capacity of 220 million eggs per year are going to be su...
Jayson Penn will take over the company immediately but William W. Lovette will remain his strat...
The National Union of Poultry Farmers (NUPF) – was established and launched in March as an inst...
The consortium named FoodTechIndonesia includes Marel Poultry, Van Aarsen, Trouw Nutrition, Pas R...
China is allowed to export to the EU market a volume of 6,600 tonnes of duck meat per year at a 1...
Last year, the SouthEast European country reported total production of 114,000 tonnes of poultry.
Six Member States are accounting for 70% of the poultry produced in the European Union.
15 companies based in Shandong province are allowed to export frozen poultry to Russia after a 5-...