EU could allow a bigger volume of American beef in the single market in order to secure European ...
The EU-spec SPP for the week ended 21 April stood at 145.27p/kg, a modest increase of 0.11p compa...
Not much upside support on global markets, as Australia faces increasing competition in key expor...
The inspection is seen as an important step forward to gain access to the Chinese market for Brit...
The Spanish beef sector will get a boost of €2.5 million for promoting the industry on foreign ma...
British retailer Marks & Spencer has launched a new food marketing campaign that focuses on beef ...
USMEF partnered with the largest grocery chain in South Korea to conduct a series of educational ...
Two Australian abattoirs, one from Queensland and another from Victoria, have received permission...
The agency expects a positive trend for the beef industry in the country after Ireland became the...
The US exported more beef in February than a year ago by 11 percent totaling 100,593 mt. Meanwhil...