Despite a huge scandal related to the meat exported by some of the biggest Brazilian players in t...
The global beef production has been forecasted to increase by 1.3 million tons this year, making ...
US beef export value exceeded $7 billion for only the second time in 2017, which was a record bre...
Trade negotiations with Japan, South Korea, Mexico and Canada are still in deadlock.
While average Scottish prime cattle prices generally eased towards the end of January, prime catt...
USA, one of the most important beef exporters in the world, expects a 3.8% increase in volume for...
Last year, Costco-Korea converted the chilled beef selection in all of its warehouses from Austra...
Premium quality meat has seen a constant increase in prices and is set for exports in western mar...
On long-term, the beef demand is looking robust but a decline in exports could be a big obstacle ...
Manufacturing beef from the UK can now be exported to the lucrative Canadian market after approva...