The Russian company plans to increase a total number of Aberdeen Anguses on its three feedlots in...
For now, only two Belarusian companies are certified to supply beef in the Chinese market.
The decision comes after a 20-year ban dictated over the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) e...
Drought is forcing farmers to cull their animals and the meat resulted will be pushed to Asian ma...
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has managed to secure approval for an additional 20 U.S. ...
There is 8% more beef, pork, chicken and turkey stored in the US than a year ago.
A Singaporean businessman has developed an innovative approach in cattle sector of West Australia.
The fastest growing beef market in the world is under assault by 14 beef exporting countries.
Miratorg announced it will start building a high-tech meat processing line at the cattle slaughte...
Irish Farmers' Association's (IFA) National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods has recently declared ...