Bulgaria's Food Safety Agency reported an outbreak of a highly pathogenic strain of avian influen...
Imports of pork into the UK totalled 70,200 tonnes during November, a month on month increase of ...
Perdue Farms has partnered with GreenGasUSA to further the company’s carbon-reduction goals.
Imports of fresh and frozen beef totalled almost 19,000 tonnes in November. This is both a decrea...
When we said goodbye to 2022, a damper was also put on the consumption of pork in Europe. Through...
PERDUE announced the launch of two new meal and snacking lines in its portfolio, PERDUE Flavor-In...
New figures on food sales over the festive period suggests that shoppers switched away from turke...
African swine fever (ASF) has reappeared in Greece for the first time since 2020.
Together with consulting firm Deloitte, Eyes on Animals and the Dutch Society for the Protection ...
For the week ending 14 January the EU spec SPP ( Standard Pig Price ) has increased 1.65p to stan...