
The GO REDAPORC ends its pilot phase with the delivery of the PRAN-INTERPORC Awards


The SAT 322 Los Chicos (Segovia) and Puyalón (Albalatillo, Huesca) pig farms have been awarded in the first edition of the PRAN-INTERPORC Awards, in recognition of the progress they have made in the reduction in the use of antibiotics.

Posted on Mar 16 ,00:20

The GO REDAPORC ends its pilot phase with the delivery of the PRAN-INTERPORC Awards

The Segovian farm has won first prize in the 'Fat Feeder' category and, for its part, the Puyalón farm in the 'Piglet Production' category.

The awards, which are part of the activity of the REDaPORC Operating Group led by INTERPORC, are the result of the pilot phase work, in which 350 farms have participated over the last three years, and in which a digital platform has been developed that is already operational, and that will benefit the entire sector.

Daniel de Miguel, deputy director of INTERPORC, highlighted at the awards ceremony that "when we started the REDaPORC project we wanted to achieve a result in line with the excellence that characterizes the white-coated pig production model in Spain, and It has certainly been achieved".

For de Miguel, "this has been possible thanks to our companies, our entities, our professionals, the men and women of swine, we have shown that there is no challenge that we cannot overcome together. Thanks to you, the REDaPORC Operational Group is, of course, an example of what we can achieve when we combine the knowledge and experience of great professionals".

A clear example, he has highlighted, is this digital tool that facilitates pig farms and companies "decision-making in terms of antibiotic management by allowing companies to identify critical points in biosecurity, providing reports that facilitate the adoption of corrective measures".

That is, he concluded, "a great advance in biosecurity, sustainability, animal welfare and food safety in the white layer pig sector in Spain".

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