
TRANSAVIA, Romania's largest chicken meat player, targets record investments


Following the best year in the company's history, TRANSAVIA, Romania's largest chicken meat producer, plans to strengthen its position at the national and international levels through massive investments in expanding and streamlining operations and through acquisitions of new market players. Thus, in 3-4 years, the production capacity will reach a new record level for south-eastern Europe, surpassing 200,000 tons of chicken meat annually.

Posted on Mar 24 ,00:30

TRANSAVIA, Romania's largest chicken meat player, targets record investments

"On 1st April we celebrate our 32nd anniversary. We are proud to be the largest chicken meat producer in the country, with exceptional results year after year and a business solidity that allows us to grow steadily and strengthen our leadership position. We know exactly where we want to go in the medium to long term and are determined to expand our operations by buying players in the market. In fact, we are already in negotiations for such acquisitions", declares dr. eng. Ioan Popa, Chairman and Founder TRANSAVIA.

Despite the enormous challenges experienced by the whole society last year, caused by galloping inflation, exploding cost of living, volatility and intensifying geo-political tensions right in our neighborhood, unprecedented increases in energy, gas and raw material costs, the managerial vision, massive and well-targeted investments and the dedication of our 2300 employees have led to outstanding results for the chicken market leader. TRANSAVIA, the most profitable player in the sector, has invested around 250 million euros of its funds in sustainable development, expansion of operations, modern technology, and team development in the last decade.

"We have the best profitability indicators in the industry, not only in Romania but also at the European level. In addition, we are probably the only company in the industry that has no debt of any kind and no loans to repay. In this way we are sustainable and can plan for the future, while contributing to the well-being of those around us, both through the taxes we pay and through our direct actions", explains dr. eng. Ioan Popa, Chairman and Founder TRANSAVIA.

Financial sustainability is doubled by concern for animal welfare and environmental protection. TRANSAVIA's most recent investment in this regard was initiated in 2022 and supports the largest green energy investment in the food sector. The investment, amounting to around €35 million of its own funds, will enable it to produce up to 100% of the energy needed for operations by the end of this year. The company will continue to be a model of best practices in the food industry through further investment in development projects.

A family business, with 100% Romanian capital, TRANSAVIA is the only producer in Romania that produces, raises, and processes all chickens in its own facilities, thus being able to guarantee consistency for the high quality and maximum safety of all products offered. Based on best practices and the strictest protocols throughout the production and distribution chain, from the grain to the fork, the company currently has a slaughtering capacity of 30,000 heads/hour.

The quality and safety of TRANSAVIA products are a hallmark abroad, where TRANSAVIA exports about 30% of its production to 27 countries on several continents.
TRANSAVIA is the only Romanian company that has taken on the standards to be a co-signatory of the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Business and Marketing Practices in the Food Sector.

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