However, results from the first quarter for chicken meat, turkey and egg production are still bel...
Currently, the sector is fighting ASF and export figures remained modest despite a national pig i...
Both parts are looking for an FMD free zone to improve trade between the two countries.
IFA President Tim Cullinan said the move is a further erosion of competition in the processing se...
An investment of €2 million was made to create a new area of production in the company's plant ne...
China, the main destination for Brazilian pork, increased its purchases by 50.5% last month, says...
It is the second time when the industry breaks the barrier of NZ $1 billion (US $750 million).
Higher disease losses in key growing regions, along with the lagged impact of industry liquidatio...
The export value of beef broke the $800 million mark for the first time.
Proximity butcher shops are flourishing in a market still impacted by severe COVID-19 outbreaks.