The domestic meat market has been affected and the producers have seen their businesses jeopardise.
Small farms system and workforce migration have reduced production.
Danish Crown has announced it will make antibiotic-free pork available for its customers in Denmark.
80% of the pork consumed in the two African markets is imported, according to the largest pig far...
Demand from the domestic market has led to an increase of 76% in the national pig herd.
Spain's growth in pork exports was based on a significant increase in production in the first hal...
Russian meat producer Miratorg plans to invest over 605 million rubles in the construction of a ...
The target set for this year is 85,000 tonnes of pork exports after last year reached a volume of...
Germany and Spain are the leaders in this sector and, in Poland, investments are still running, d...
The summer rise has not taken place, despite a different evolution in the neighbouring markets.