Analysts estimate Germany's total pig herd to be 26.9 million in May, the lowest since May 2011, ...
Ukraine has imported 8.4 thousand tons of fresh, chilled and frozen pork in the first six months ...
Leading Russian meat producer Miratorg has increased its pork production by 0.4% in the first ha...
The Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) announced that GB pig prices experienced ...
DanBred annouced it will establish sale of its genetics in Japan after the company has signed an ...
Canada's government in partnership with pork industry associations will invest up to $18.5 millio...
The main exporters are competing for the same markets as consumption is decreasing in some mature...
The second wave of taxes applied by China and Mexico is threatening the pork industry in the US.
There will be no lack of pork in the US market in the future and that can affect the profitabilit...
Although EU pork exports rose by 7% in April this year compared to the corresponding period in 20...