Japan's imports of fresh/frozen pork in the first 9 months of the year were down only 0.1% on the...
Analysts are predicting that the current beef demand will remain steady.
Olymel has announced it has closed the transaction for the purchase of Canadian poultry slaughter...
Brexit is the single biggest challenge facing the red meat sector within Wales, according to a jo...
Brazil's pork exports reached 63,000 tonnes in October, increasing by 8.1% compared to the same p...
In UK, sales of promoted cuts increased 16.5% and almost £3.2 million compared to the previous pe...
"The American market is very important for Polish pork export", explains Marcin Sliwinski, the ne...
Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) has announced this week that t...
Companies involved in the scheme are caught off with a high level of debts to their suppliers and...