Tesco has announced it will become the first UK retailer to set a sales target for plant-based me...
Prices for animal protein have also jumped in the domestic market.
Over the first 9 months of the year, cattle exports have dropped by 12% compared with the same pe...
Eighty-three percent of Americans surveyed said that they view Thanksgiving 2020 as equally or mo...
The total capacity of the slaughterhouse is projected to reach 16,000 pigs per day.
The aftershocks caused by the pandemic in the world markets did not affect the Brazilian beef ex...
The company intends to expand its poultry plant in Nurmo, Finland, with the largest single invest...
The new idea for minced meat processing and packaging line is the result of the collaboration bet...
The volume of foreign sales of Argentine beef increased but with lower prices. China, Israel, Chi...
Based on the development in Sweden, the signs are pointing to a breakthrough of sustainable smoki...