September exports of U.S. pork increased 10% year-over-year, keeping 2020 exports on a record pac...
By 2022, less pork will be needed in China and their pig meat prices will decline from their hist...
Access to exports markets such as the EU is crucial, warns AHDB.
The largest meat producer in Russia and the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterpr...
SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. became the owner of the plant of ZIMBO Perbál Húsipari Termel? Kf...
This is the first expansion of the Raised & Rooted brand outside the US, in the brand’s pursuit...
Between July and September, there was an increase of 50% in red meat exports to the American market.
Currently, the Asian country is absorbing 16% of the chicken meat and 50% of pork exported by Bra...
This significant group of shoppers (Generation P) is set to drive the international grocery secto...
China is changing the game in the global meat market. Again.