Halted operations at the largest abattoir in the country have added an oversupply of 100,000 pigs...
The shipments were destined to Scandinavian Farms, a Danish enterprise operating in China.
Exporters and investors in the Chinese pork industry are well-positioned to capitalize on this ma...
At the beginning of June, the EU average pig reference price was around €163/100kg.
Quebec market prices are better than in Manitoba but producers from both provinces are losing money.
Due to an increased number of COVID-19 infections in abattoirs, Dutch pork imports are suspended ...
Vietnam is getting closer to China by having pig prices 8 times higher. South Korea ranks third.
The COVID-19 crisis didn't have an impact on Spanish pork exports in the first quarter of 2020.
COVID-19 Overshadows ASF, but ASF’s Influence Prevails - argues Rabobank analyst.
Double-digit drop in both production and slaughtering figures compared to May 2019.