According to the latest HMRC trade data, UK fresh and frozen beef imports came to 19,170 tonnes i...
The most traditional brand of ElPozo Alimentacion launches its new EXTRA Braised Cooked Ham, a sl...
International sales revenue increases 29.9% in the fourth month of the year. Brazilian pork expor...
Norway exported NOK 12.9 billion worth of seafood in April. This is an increase of NOK 1.6 billio...
IFA Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden said the stagnant beef prices are not reflecting the costs ...
Brazilian exports of chicken meat (considering all products, between fresh and processed) total...
The second Annual Report of the Sheep Sustainability Framework (SSF) was released at a launch eve...
The interprofessional organization of Beef, PROVACUNO, was present from May 9 to 11 at the most i...
Worldwide, the Spanish white pork sector provides an affordable protein with high nutritional val...
While below last year’s high volume, March beef exports were the largest since October, according...