The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) welcomed the information released this week by th...
While well below the record-large volume and value posted in May 2022, beef exports improved from...
This year, Australia’s sheep flock and its breeding ewe numbers reached their highest levels sinc...
Demand for primary lamb is seasonal, with sales at Christmas and Easter sharply rising due to inc...
Japan suspended purchases of poultry from a Brazilian state after an outbreak of highly pathogeni...
Of the around 45.9 million fattening pigs slaughtered in German slaughterhouses in 2022, 105,800 ...
According to ABPA surveys, Brazilian exports of pork reached 589.8 thousand tons between January ...
As domestic supplies continue to run tight pig prices have remained supported through the month o...
In April, the UK imported 25,300 tonnes of fresh/frozen pig meat, according to AHDB. Of this, 15,...
The latest survey data from sheep and wool producers shows that there is mixed sentiment across t...