Spain is the third largest pork producer in the world and the second largest exporter in the worl...
U.S. broiler exports for the first two months of this year set an all-time high in volume, while ...
GB prime cattle prices continued to exceed historic levels in March, informs AHDB.
It's no secret that staying free of African Swine Fever (ASF) is a vital goal for the white-coate...
The European Pigmeat Reflection Group delivered its final report to the European Commission on 18...
Swift Prepared Foods, a subsidiary of leading global food company JBS USA, has opened its newest ...
In the week ending April 8th, the GB Standard Pig Price (SPP) reached a new record high of 216.7p...
According to a new AHDB analysis, GB deadweight pig prices have continued climbing to new highs i...
White layer pork is rich and healthy meat thanks to its beneficial nutritional characteristics. T...
Sainsbury’s has announced that its by Sainsbury’s whole chicken range* is now trayless, after the...