Ukrainian poultry producers have received approval for the export of poultry, poultry meat and pr...
Brexit uncertainty makes waves in Ireland as the fisheries sector has an overall dependency for a...
Nine adverts and multiple details on how to cook a festive meal are spread across the country.
Russia's largest vertically integrated meat producer Cherkizovo Group has closed the deal to acqu...
Pressure on the commercial fish species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea is decreasing at a...
A process of liquidation due to low prices and the ASF outbreak have taken their toll on the worl...
The Technical Advisory Group (TAG)’s report shows that farmers and rural communities have engaged...
"A feasibility study into opportunities to encourage goatmeat consumption in Australia has been c...
8 provinces inside the country are declared free of ovine and caprine brucellosis, bovine brucell...
Argentina's Ministry of Agriculture has recently revealed that the country will export frozen bov...