Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mongolia and the two Koreas were invited to join the task force.
The event held in Enger, Germany, marked the anniversary of 25 years as part of the MULTIVAC Group.
Officials said that British fishermen do not want any future deal with the EU to link access to U...
Export of Irish finished bulls to Algeria can start in the next few months, announced the senior ...
The two countries have agreed to allow each other’s beef imports as a way of expanding bilateral ...
The funding is supported by the Scottish government and the campaign is set to launch early in th...
The nearest outbreak is on Chinese soil at 150 km from the border and the risk is considered to b...
The sector accounts for 11% in the general structure of capital investments in agriculture, fores...
The 2018-19 export lamb slaughter was estimated to be 4 percent down on last season, which woul...
The vacuum skin packaging technology developed by SEALPAC has entered the Austrian lines of produ...