The first store is to be open on June 7 in Shanghai and it will be followed shortly by 10 others.
Brazilian officials have decided to suspend all beef exports to China after an unexpected case of...
The move will create a giant meatpacking company with significant exposure in the Asian market.
Figures collected using the electronic medicine book (eMB) show that antibiotic use in 2018 dropp...
In the coming months, the OIE will establish a work program in collaboration with FAO, taking int...
A Rabobank analysis foresees a growing trend in trimmings in all Asia as diets and food service c...
The association of red meat with the high incidences of lifestyle diseases and a deficiency of 30...
A recent analysis from Technavio foresees a CAGR of about 4% during the period 2019-2023.
Cherkizovo Group insured over 15 million heads of poultry and 1 million pigs at RSHB Insurance.
The first outbreak in the Korean peninsula was reported on May 25 in a farm close to the Chinese ...