The impact of taste on purchasing decisions is up significantly from 2018, reveals IFIC Foundatio...
"We’re confident that we’ll manage to complete the relocation on the planned date of July 1", Gui...
In the first quarter, France has increased by 23% its pork exports to China as the ASF situation ...
New events have been added on the agenda of the Italian organisation to prepare a complete visi...
The global market for pork has undergone an unprecedented recovery, which boosted the company’s e...
During Q1, China's meat imports have reached 1.11 million tonnes, up by 11.6% compared to the sam...
Indonesia remains the main market for livestock exports, even if Vietnam and China have increased...
Perdue Premium Meat, a subsidiary of Perdue Farms, has reached an agreement to acquire Panorama M...
At IFFA 2019, the family-run mechanical engineering company WEBOMATIC from Bochum presented award...