300 leva (€150) will be handed for every small farm or household that complied with the culling o...
This will compensate for the losses in the Russian market, where bone-in beef imports have been r...
Japanese tariffs on US meat imports will decrease by about 80 percent in a new trade deal.
The country ranks among the world's top producers of poultry and eggs but is still lagging behind...
Indonesia is the world’s 8th largest beef export market and Brazil will compete against Australia...
A 10% increase in duties was announced by the Chinese officials at the end of last week.
Slaughter was also down 4% on the month last year, to 21 million head.
China is increasing demand for grain-fed beef but multiple challenges lay ahead for exporters.
"The environmental footprint of food production will increase by between 50 and 90 percent by 2...
China alone accounts for 28% of Brazilian pork exports and 13% of chicken.