On June 30, a well-organized groundbreaking ceremony marked the start of a nucleus farm near Wuwe...
Australian sheep producers’ confidence continues to be impacted by broader climatic and market co...
The National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) National Slaughter Report is a voluntary weekly s...
Rural female producers managing integrated farms for Seara form the first group of women trained ...
After a four-year pause, Argentine resumes beef exports to Egypt with a first shipment from Gener...
To date, the Biden-Harris Administration has invested a total of over $700 million in 48 states a...
Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, including fresh and processed) recorded the bes...
Eight in one hundred people in the EU cannot afford a proper meal according to data from 2022, sh...
Norway exported seafood worth NOK 80.6 billion in the first half of the year. This is a decrease ...
African swine fever (ASF) has reached Rhineland-Palatinate for the first time. In Gimbsheim anima...