People with ages between 35 and 56 are the ones that still consume meat.
The country's national pig inventory is 26% lower and new biosecurity measured have been taken st...
20% of the pork consumed in the domestic market must be imported to cover the losses caused by AS...
Customs data shows a total volume of 556,300 tonnes of meat was imported, up by 45% compared to M...
On the opposite side, consumers from the Netherlands, Greece and Portugal have increased their in...
3 million chickens are expected to be culled to control oversupply. A similar measure was taken i...
At the end of this week, the export verification program and export certificate will take effect.
The spike is driven by higher prices in the main supply market, such as the US, Europe and Canada...
The latest outlook from the European Commission anticipates high prices and increased imports.
"Our premise is that right now the USA-Canada market depends on when and if China begins large sh...