The global grocery market is to see rapid expansion, with Asian states such as China, South Korea...
A shortage of vets, export regulations and tariffs applied after Brexit may impact the competitiv...
Six provinces in the country account for 70% of the pork consumed last year, said Interporc.
The surge in exports is more than 700% after the country has just regained access to the Chinese ...
‘Food on every table’ campaign highlights the country’s responsibility to ensure everyone, includ...
In the last couple of weeks, delegations from China have visited Danish and British cattle and sh...
Ukraine’s government officials are working with their Chinese counterparts on beginning poultry e...
In 2018, per capita consumption in the Netherland has reached 77 kilograms according to new resea...
Despite critics, the country's beef industry in increasing its exposure to the Chinese market.
The meat comes from the state reserve and was imported from the US, UK, Denmark, Germany, France ...