The total understanding between the livestock-meat sector and food distribution makes possible th...
According to the latest Defra figures, UK sheep meat production in September totalled 21,400 tonn...
AHDB has unveiled new in-depth research which aims to transform the online shopping platforms of ...
Defra’s latest production figures indicate that 73,400 tonnes of beef and veal was produced in Se...
China is facing sharp economic growth slowdown due to macroeconomic and geo-political challenges ...
Inflation and a decline in shopper numbers poses a risk to butchers, according to AHDB.
The director of INTERPORC, Alberto Herranz, has highlighted on the 'World Day against climate cha...
After a strong August, Australian red meat exports fell back to 124,698 tonnes in September, a 6%...
Brazilian agribusiness exports reached US$ 13.97 billion in September 2022. The value is a record...
Brazilian food processor BRF said it has agreed to form a Saudi joint venture with Halal Produc...