Imports of pig meat to the UK totalled 71,300 t in November, up by 1,200 t compared to the volume...
In a press release, USDA-FAS highlights efforts to increase U.S. pork exports to Chile, including...
Surveys by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that Brazilian egg exports (inclu...
Brazilian turkey meat exports ended 2023 with an increase of 17.8%, reports the Brazilian Animal ...
Brazilian pork exports (including all products, both fresh and processed) ended 2023 with a recor...
Duck meat exports from Brazil grew in 2023, according to the Brazilian Animal Protein Association...
Aleph Farms received regulatory approval in the form of a “No Questions” letter from Israel’s Min...
Danish Crown Beef is chasing million sales on a new keyhole branded variant in the Burger Boost s...
USMEF partnered with a respected culinary center to provide hands-on training and promote underut...
Brazilian exports of chicken meat (including all products, both fresh and processed) ended 2023 w...