The measure applied for the Christmas season proved its efficiency and representatives from the p...
On December 8, 2021, the INTERBEV Management Committee elected Jean-François Guihard, representativ...
A partnership was signed with "Lypid", a startup from the United States, to create plant-based me...
The principle of zoning will apply for pork imports sourced from France, according to Beijing.
Slaughter figures for this year are expected to be 3% higher than those reported at the end of 2020.
"The Spanish pig sector works every day with the aim of advancing towards a neutral climate impac...
Lean supplies, strong demand will bolster prices despite export unknowns, predicts CoBank.
€86 million to be paid next summer for pig producers.
Shipments of pork between January and November have already surpassed those made in the twelve mo...
The call is specifically targeting EU member states with confirmed ASF cases, such as Germany, Ro...