A wild boar carcass was found 120 north of the city of Milan and 800 km away from Germany.
Asda has backed out of a commitment it made in October to stock exclusively British beef, angerin...
Kentucky Fried Chicken and Beyond Meat® are kicking off the new year with a Kentucky Fried Miracl...
Stress is one of the main factors affecting meat quality.
In December, the South American country exported a record volume of 45,000 tonnes of beef.
As current trends move toward thinner and more varied portions, full primal utilization, and proc...
Burger King will sell vegan nuggets across the UK as part of a pledge to make its menu 50% meat-f...
When consumers go shopping after the New Year with their New Year's intention as a heading on the...
AMIC warns about the dangers faced by meat processors as Omicron cases are surging.
63,000 birds were culled in two days after being found infected with H5N1 strain of the virus.