In 2017, meat production from German commercial slaughterhouses declined following a recent sligh...
The Middle East market is disputed between Australia, Brazil, Uruguay, Romania and Portugal.
The FAO food price index has been stable in January 2018 from December 2017 and reported a modest...
Trade negotiations with Japan, South Korea, Mexico and Canada are still in deadlock.
A major programme of joint activities has been announced by the red meat levy bodies from England...
The latest Agricultural outlook for EU mentions a fierce competition from New Zealand and Austral...
The Department of Agriculture (DA) from Philippines has announced a temporary restrictions on imp...
The new genetically developed female cow is supposed to increase characteristics of longevity, fe...
The Irish Farmer's Association (IFA) President Joe Healy said, based on IFA work with Minister Cr...
Pig population in the country is estimated at 6.1 million with a high proportion held by househol...