Butcher Munch is ready for the busy weeks of the summer, and it happens with a nomination as Denm...
Lowering methane emissions through the use of Asparagopsis seaweed as a feed supplement has becom...
In many of the world’s markets, most chicken now reach the consumer as chicken portions. It is no...
Results from ground-breaking New Zealand research have shown red meat is a better source of prote...
In 2021, online’s share of grocery sales plateaued at 10.3%, up 3.9 percentage points (%pts) on p...
Pig meat production in the EU totalled two million tonnes in March, a decline of 7% compared to a...
The European Parliament rejected the Environment Committee's motion for a resolution on a very fa...
Amidst concerns around food security, new analysis of the red meat industry in Scotland highlight...
The professionals of the pork sector "can conquer the consumer with a story that reflects our val...
In May, the Australian sheepmeat industry welcomed the signing of the Australia-India Economic Co...