The rest of the world is confronted with biosecurity risks and challenging condition, show Rabob...
The Lithuanian State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) announced last week that Lithuania will s...
The announcement came after the XXVIII meeting of the Joint Commission for Economic and Industr...
Cargill has developed an industry-first robotic cattle driver aimed at improving animal welfare a...
Minister Ardanowski announced the creation of a fund for innovation and development.
The committee will take on an advisory role and provide recommendations on research and developme...
Live exports have diminished from 88,897 in 2014-15 to just 16,578 in the last financial year, ac...
Brazil has received approval to export live cattle to Iran after the South-American country's sta...
The Canadian authorities have announced that the Canadian meat industry has gained access for liv...
Romania exported only 1.7% live pigs out of the total exports of the Romanian pork industry befor...