Just as Uruguay did, this time it was Paraguay's turn to thank Argentine for having to put a hold...
Asda has backed out of a commitment it made in October to stock exclusively British beef, angerin...
Seven favorite beef cuts are subject to the measure as Government is trying to keep prices low in...
The latest Defra figures show that UK beef production remained lower than 2020 levels in November...
South Korea, Japan and China/Hong Kong have increased beef imports this year.
Within days of the entry into force of the new beef export scheme for the next two years, the Min...
In December, the South American country exported a record volume of 45,000 tonnes of beef.
The world's largest meat producer will have a flagship store on JD.com to respond to increased de...
Beef products coming from Brazil are considered to be linked to the destruction of Amazon forests...
Minister Charlie McConalogue hopes to lift the ban on Irish beef, as Brazil resolved a similar ac...