Producers have called for measures regulating the meat trade to be removed, claiming that profita...
Australia has been a major and consistent supplier of red meat to the Middle East and North Afric...
Barely a month after starting to build an organic beef supply chain, De Groene Weg has taken the ...
During August, the UK imported 17,900 tonnes of fresh and frozen beef, up 500 tonnes on July (3%)...
Argentine meat once again stood out at the most important food fair in the world despite the crit...
The National Animal Quality and Health Service (Senacsa) reported that from January to October of...
As anticipated by the volumes that sailed from the main supplying countries in the previous weeks...
Defra’s latest production figures indicate that 73,400 tonnes of beef and veal was produced in Se...
This partnership to exchange statistical data will allow greater understanding of one of the most...
Bord Bia announced a €1,000,000 investment in beef marketing across key UK and EU markets this au...