After a 2% decline in the first quarter of 2018, Japanese pork imports increased 2% year on year ...
Markets abroad are looking more promising to the producers than the domestic one who seems to be ...
VASEP warned its members to ensure that the fish exported to China is of the highest quality and ...
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation, a leading producer, marketer and distributor of branded spec...
Denmark's fresh and frozen pork exports have increased year-over-year in volume but fell in value...
Paul T. Aandahl, Analyst with the Norwegian Seafood Council expects to witness further growth for...
Exports are also forecast to increase by 10% during this year thanks to a strong growth in key As...
"This will definitely slow if not kill investments in the GMO work in animals", says the leader o...
Nestlé together with six other food companies has entered into an agreement through the Global Coal...
Beef an poultry are the products that can make a difference for Belarusian exporters of agricultu...