€7 million were invested in Sweden's largest pig slaughterhouse to complete the modernisation of ...
A Kantar Worldpanel report shows several ways in which retailers are trying to mitigate the impac...
The industry produces only 13% of domestic consumption and, technically, the stock was depleted l...
There is currently no certainty that the UK will leave the European Union with an agreement.
The latest CME report mentions a decline of 5% in turkey production for this year, followed by a ...
The number of provinces affected by the outbreaks has grown to 10. 46 new cases were reported in ...
FAO, OIE, and WHO launch a guide for countries on taking a One Health approach to address zoonoti...
"There are rapidly emerging changes, including millennials now being the largest consumer group i...
The EU has a number of Tariff Rate Quotas for pig meat, which allow imports to enter at a reduc...
Each family in the country losses about €300 per year in food waste.