Last year, the SouthEast European country reported total production of 114,000 tonnes of poultry.
Jayson Penn will take over the company immediately but William W. Lovette will remain his strat...
Live exports are blocked due to BSE fears but there are certain beef products that are allowed to...
Six Member States are accounting for 70% of the poultry produced in the European Union.
At this time, Australia has 5 processing units that are using DEXA to measure carcasses and offer...
The packaging concept for producing high-quality vacuum skin packs will be shown on a thermoformi...
In such a case, the UK would have a tariff-free quota of 230,000 tonnes, open to all countries wi...
China remains the main destination for Spanish pork exports outside the EU but South Korea has a ...
Prime pig producers have seen prices rising over the past month as the pig meat production is 2.5...
The National Union of Poultry Farmers (NUPF) – was established and launched in March as an inst...