The ready-to-eat products are believed to be contaminated with listeria and have been distributed...
Authorities have made a comprehensive survey of food waste in the entire value chain in the country.
Top 10 abattoirs are responsible for 82% of the pig slaughter in the country, while the number of...
Last week, the Mexican government opened a new quota of 30,000 tonnes to import chicken meat from...
CARNEXPO Grill organized, between June 24-25, the first edition in the Republic of Moldova, which...
Global poultry outlook gives hope for a rebound in trade in the second half of the year - Rabobank.
By adding the farms owned by the Polar Pork group, Maple Leafs Foods' pig production increases by...
From 8.5% growth in 2020, the market will advance with just 1.7 % in 2021 and 0.9% in 2022.
The agriculture and forestry departments across Laos have been told to launch a publicity campaig...
The UN's organization predicts an increase in productions, although global trade is going to stag...