Czechs are the biggest consumers of rabbit meat in the EU
Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic are countries that lead when it comes to rabbit meat consumption, with 51,000 tonnes, 45,000 tonnes and 40,000 tonnes respectively, consumed every year for the last two years, according to ‘EU – Rabbit Or Hare Meat – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights’ report from IndexBox. However, considering the population size for each of those countries, Czechs are the most dedicated consumers of rabbit meat in the EU.
In 2019, the highest level of rabbit meat per capita consumption was registered in the Czech Republic (3.72 kg per person), followed by Spain (1.09 kg per person), Slovakia (0.82 kg per person) and Italy (0.75 kg per person), while the world average per capita consumption of rabbit meat was estimated at 0.46 kg per person.
All three countries mentioned above are accounting for 57% of rabbit meat consumed inside the EU. They are followed by France, Germany, Bulgaria and Slovakia, accounting for 36% in rabbit meat consumption.
In value terms, the largest rabbit meat markets in the European Union were Germany ($249M), Spain ($213M) and Italy ($193M), together accounting for 58% of the total market. These countries were followed by France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, which together accounted for a further 36%.
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