Of the around 45.9 million fattening pigs slaughtered in German slaughterhouses in 2022, 105,800 ...
While well below the record-large volume and value posted in May 2022, beef exports improved from...
Production of beef and lamb has been mixed among EU member states during the first quarter of 202...
According to preliminary results, 20.7 million pigs were kept in Germany as of May 3, 2023. As re...
The European Parliament voted as a large majority (367 votes in favour - 245 against) against any...
Vion Zucht- und Nutzvieh and Danish Crown sign a contract for Vion cattle slaughtering from Schle...
According to ABPA surveys, Brazilian exports of pork reached 589.8 thousand tons between January ...
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has launched a new report highlighting the sustainability creden...
From 13 December 2023, non-assured UK livestock farmers will need to provide a declaration signed...
Once again, Anuga Meat is uniting the who's who of the international meat industry at Anuga in Co...