France's pig meat exports reported a decrease of 5% in 2017 compared to the previous year, reachi...
Despite the recent scandal, Brazil is still one of the largest suppliers of poultry for the Islam...
Copa and Cogeca have sent a letter to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker opposing the EU...
Restaurants, including one owned by Jamie Oliver, are affected by the turn of events.
Pork exports reached 2.45 million mt in 2017, breaking the 2016 record by 6%, while the export va...
Saudi Arabia has recently lifted the ban on sheepmeat imports from the UK and shipments are due t...
Belarusian authorities have set temporary restrictions on meat imports from the South African pro...
Germany wants to get a share of the halal food global market and is already sending different pro...
The global beef production has been forecasted to increase by 1.3 million tons this year, making ...
Last year, Costco-Korea converted the chilled beef selection in all of its warehouses from Austra...