Markets abroad are looking more promising to the producers than the domestic one who seems to be ...
Beef an poultry are the products that can make a difference for Belarusian exporters of agricultu...
Production is on the rise but exports have fallen in the first six months of the year.
Meat is an important item in the list of products in high demand in these markets, according to a...
Vietnam's cephalopod exports reported a slight decrease in April 2018, according to the Vietnam A...
The country's red meat exports increased by 7% year-on-year in the first five months of 2018, rea...
Spain's average consumption of fish&seafood stands at 25.6 kilos per capita.
The deal worth €240 million will increase by 67% the number of restaurants owned by AmRest.
Argentina has shipped its first batch of beef to the Japanese market.
The two producers reported an increase in poultry sales in EU countries for the first five months...