11 plants are targeted in a unilateral move that will be applied from May 23.
Total meat production in 2020 has dropped by 1.6%, representing a decrease of 142,000 tonnes.
Romania is currently exporting large volumes of poultry to Poland due to the impact of AI on the ...
New cases of ASF reported in China and the deficit of pork should support Brazilian pork exports ...
However, volumes are still well below levels reported for February 2020.
However, fresh pork imports have increased by 2%, while frozen, processed, and offal imports decl...
The South American country has increased its imports of high-quality beef by 26%, according to USDA.
Each of the companies has two more units enabled to export pork and chicken meat to the African c...
In March, the volume shipped registered a monthly improvement of 13% and the accumulated since Ap...
The new pack of export licenses is granted for pork, beef and poultry.