Labour shortage in local abattoirs is the new challenge for the British pig industry.
There was significant growth in the breeding herd, with numbers rising to 151,900 head, the large...
The disease has spread from the Dominican Republic to the other nation on the same islands.
USDA's APHIS established a protection zone against African swine fever (ASF) around Puerto Rico a...
Two plants have suspended production indefinitely due to high natural gas prices. Rumors about a ...
New Zealand's red meat sector welcomed China’s CPTPP membership application.
Six interprofessional associations agreed to contribute to the stability and recovery of the sect...
Protocols for exporting sheep meat and breeding pigs were signed last week.
In the year-to July exports stand at 35,200 tonnes, 25% less than in the same period last year.
Oversupply of 260,000 tonnes threatens to suffocate the market and prices are already low.