An undisclosed sum was paid for the stake in Grupo Vibra, a company that can expand Tyson Foods' ...
Ruohola will act as Executive Vice President of HKScan’s Meat Balance and Supply Chain and a memb...
Belarus, Turkey and the UAE are the main markets for fresh/chilled beef from Ukraine.
Finland wants Brazilian beef banned in the EU due to the devastation caused by fires in the Amazo...
Increased demand from China and outgoing ASF outbreaks in East European countries may constrain p...
The Hungarian National Association of Mangalica Breeders is exporting 70% of the pig meat produced.
The raw beef products are considered to be unfit for human consumption.
Named "50/50", the product is targeting families who want to cut meat consumption a little withou...
Latvian Minister for Agriculture Kaspars Gerhards sent a letter to EC calling for additional meas...
The main topic for 2019 is getting a clear message for the consumer.