UK: Producers urged to consider biosecurity checklist as ASF risk grows
National Pig Association senior policy adviser Rebecca Veale stressed that the recent movements of the virus in Europe must serve as a wake-up call to producers, as well as Government. “It only takes one slip to make this challenging time significantly worse,” she said.
With that in mind, the NPA, AHDB and Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) have put together a checklist, which will be available on a new page on the AHDB website.
“There is lots of biosecurity advice out there, and we’ve brought it all together to provide a comprehensive and visible checklist for farms – sometimes a reminder makes you realise something has slipped.
“The last two years have put increasing pressure on producers and their staff so it’s understandable if some complacency has crept in,” Ms Veale said.
“Sometimes, it is just about the simple things that people haven’t thought about for a long time, like an extra gate, or lines on the floor or signage to clearly de-mark areas.
“We want people to understand that the risk has increased and look at things with a fresh pair of eyes, challenge staff to think about how you could make something more biosecure and to generally up your game.
“We continue to lobby on national biosecurity and to communicate the risks of potential ASF spread more widely, for instance to seasonal horticulture workers.”
Biosecurity isn’t exciting but anyone and anything can walk disease in and out of your unit, so it’s our best defence. This is a checklist to remind yourself and your team of the simple things which could keep disease away from your pigs.
Vectors of disease
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